
Kiwi’s functionality is split in pipelines:

train, pretrain, predict, evaluate, search

Currently supported models are:

All pipelines and models are configured via:

  • YAML files, for CLI or API usage

  • a dictionary, for API usage

The predicting pipeline additionally provides a simplified interface with explicit arguments.

For CLI usage, the general command is:

kiwi (train|pretrain|predict|evaluate|search) CONFIG_FILE

Example configuration files can be found in config/. Details are covered in Configuration, including how to override options in the CLI.

Alternatively, the same example configurations can be obtained by running:

kiwi (train|pretrain|predict|evaluate|search) --example

This will print the config to the terminal, but can easily be redirected to a file:

kiwi train --example > train.yaml

Training and pretraining

The PredictorEstimator requires pretraining the Predictor model with parallel data. This type of model is called a TLM model, for “Translation Language Model”.

The BERT-based models are already pretrained. However, they can be fine-tuned before being used for QE. To do so, it is currently necessary to use the original scripts, which can be found in scripts/pre_finetuning_transformers.

Examples of how to call Kiwi to train BERT for QE:

kiwi train config/bert.yaml


from kiwi.lib.train import train_from_file

run_info = train_from_file('config/bert.yaml')


from kiwi.lib.train import train_from_configuration
from kiwi.lib.utils import file_to_configuration

configuration_dict = file_to_configuration('config/bert.yaml')
run_info = train_from_configuration(configuration_dict)

The configuration_dict is only validated inside train_from_configuration, which means other file formats can be used. In fact, file_to_configuration also supports JSON files (but that is a not well known fact, as YAML is preferred).

Pretraining the Predictor can be down by calling:

kiwi pretrain config/predictor.yaml


The predict pipeline takes a trained QE model as input and uses it to evaluate the quality of machine translations.

The API provides which returns a Predictor object that can be used to generate predictions.

To predict the quality of a set of machine translation dataset via the CLI, use a yaml file specifying model path, output directory, source and target data, etc. (details are explained in Configuration), and run:

kiwi predict config/predict.yaml

As a package, there a few alternatives, depending on the use.

To load a trained model and produce predictions on a full dataset, use:

from kiwi.lib.predict import predict_from_configuration
from kiwi.lib.utils import file_to_configuration

configuration_dict = file_to_configuration('config/predict.yaml')
predictions, metrics = predict_from_configuration(configuration_dict)

To load a trained model and keep it in memory for predicting on-demand, use:

from kiwi.lib.predict import load_system

runner = load_system('trained_models/model.ckpt')
predictions = runner.predict(
    source=['Aqui vai um exemplo de texto'],
    target=['Here is an example text'],

The predictions object will contain one or more of the following attributes:


More details can be found in the code Command Reference.


The evaluate pipeline takes predictions of a trained model and a reference (gold) file and evaluates the performance based on several metrics.

To evaluate one of your models via the CLI, create a yaml file specifying the format of predictions, format of reference and the location of these files, and run:

kiwi evaluate config/predict.yaml

Or alternatively:

from kiwi.lib.evaluate import evaluate_from_configuration
from kiwi.lib.utils import file_to_configuration

configuration_dict = file_to_configuration('config/evaluate.yaml')
report = evaluate_from_configuration(configuration_dict)

You can check all the configuration options in Configuration.


The search pipeline enables hyperparameter search for the Kiwi models using the Optuna library.

Examples of how to call Kiwi to search hyperparameters for BERT for QE:

kiwi search config/search.yaml


from import search_from_file

optuna_study = search_from_file('config/search.yaml')


from import search_from_configuration
from kiwi.lib.utils import file_to_configuration

configuration_dict = file_to_configuration('config/search.yaml')
optuna_study = search_from_configuration(configuration_dict)

The search configuration search.yaml points to the base training config (config/bert.yaml in the above BERT example) which defines the basic model, and the rest of the options are dedicated to configuring the hyperparameters to search and the ranges to search them in.