
Module Contents



Compute a parameterised scalar mixture of N tensors.

class kiwi.modules.common.scalar_mix.ScalarMixWithDropout(mixture_size: int, do_layer_norm: bool = False, initial_scalar_parameters: list = None, trainable: bool = True, dropout: float = None, dropout_value: float = - 1e+20)

Bases: torch.nn.Module

Compute a parameterised scalar mixture of N tensors.

\(mixture = \gamma * \sum(s_k * tensor_k)\), where \(s = softmax(w)\), with \(w\) and \(gamma\) scalar parameters.

If do_layer_norm=True, then apply layer normalization to each tensor before weighting.

If dropout > 0, then for each scalar weight, adjust its softmax weight mass to 0 with the dropout probability (i.e., setting the unnormalized weight to -inf). This effectively should redistribute dropped probability mass to all other weights.

Original implementation:
Copied from COMET:
forward(self, tensors: list, mask: torch.Tensor = None)torch.Tensor

Compute a weighted average of the ‘tensors’.

The input tensors can be any shape with at least two dimensions, but must all have the same shape.

When do_layer_norm=True, mask is required. If tensors have dimensions (dim_0, ..., dim_{n-1}, dim_n), then mask should have dims (dim_0, ..., dim_{n-1}), as in the typical case with tensors of shape (batch_size, timesteps, dim) and mask of shape (batch_size, timesteps).