Linear predicting

usage: kiwi predict [-h] --test-source TEST_SOURCE --test-target TEST_TARGET
                    [--test-alignments TEST_ALIGNMENTS]
                    [--test-source-pos TEST_SOURCE_POS]
                    [--test-target-pos TEST_TARGET_POS]
                    [--test-target-parse TEST_TARGET_PARSE]
                    [--test-target-ngram TEST_TARGET_NGRAM]
                    [--test-target-stacked TEST_TARGET_STACKED]
                    [--evaluation-metric EVALUATION_METRIC]

Named Arguments


Evaluation metric (f1_mult or f1_bad).

Default: “f1_mult”


--test-source Path to validation source file
--test-target Path to validation target file
 Path to test alignments between source and target.
 Path to training PoS tags file for source
 Path to training PoS tags file for target
 Path to test dependency parsing file for target (tabular format)
 Path to test highest order ngram file for target (tabular format)
 Path to test stacked predictions file for target (tabular format)