Predictor-Estimator predicting

usage: kiwi predict [-h] --test-source TEST_SOURCE --test-target TEST_TARGET
                    [--wmt18-format [WMT18_FORMAT]]
                    [--sentence-level [SENTENCE_LEVEL]]
                    [--binary-level [BINARY_LEVEL]]
                    [--valid-batch-size VALID_BATCH_SIZE]
                    [--predict-inverse [PREDICT_INVERSE]]


--test-source Path to validation source file
--test-target Path to validation target file

predictor-estimator Prediction

Predictor Estimator (POSTECH)


Read target tags in WMT18 format.

Default: False


Predict Sentence Level Scores

Default: False


Predict binary sentence labels

Default: False


Batch Size

Default: 32


Predict target -> source instead of source -> target.

Default: False