NuQE training

usage: kiwi train [-h] --train-source TRAIN_SOURCE --train-target TRAIN_TARGET
                  --train-alignments TRAIN_ALIGNMENTS
                  [--train-source-tags TRAIN_SOURCE_TAGS]
                  [--train-target-tags TRAIN_TARGET_TAGS] --valid-source
                  VALID_SOURCE --valid-target VALID_TARGET --valid-alignments
                  VALID_ALIGNMENTS [--valid-source-tags VALID_SOURCE_TAGS]
                  [--valid-target-tags VALID_TARGET_TAGS]
                  [--valid-source-pos VALID_SOURCE_POS]
                  [--valid-target-pos VALID_TARGET_POS]
                  [--predict-target [PREDICT_TARGET]]
                  [--predict-gaps [PREDICT_GAPS]]
                  [--predict-source [PREDICT_SOURCE]]
                  [--wmt18-format [WMT18_FORMAT]]
                  [--source-max-length SOURCE_MAX_LENGTH]
                  [--source-min-length SOURCE_MIN_LENGTH]
                  [--target-max-length TARGET_MAX_LENGTH]
                  [--target-min-length TARGET_MIN_LENGTH]
                  [--source-vocab-size SOURCE_VOCAB_SIZE]
                  [--target-vocab-size TARGET_VOCAB_SIZE]
                  [--source-vocab-min-frequency SOURCE_VOCAB_MIN_FREQUENCY]
                  [--target-vocab-min-frequency TARGET_VOCAB_MIN_FREQUENCY]
                  [--keep-rare-words-with-embeddings [KEEP_RARE_WORDS_WITH_EMBEDDINGS]]
                  [--add-embeddings-vocab [ADD_EMBEDDINGS_VOCAB]]
                  [--embeddings-format {polyglot,word2vec,fasttext,glove,text}]
                  [--embeddings-binary [EMBEDDINGS_BINARY]]
                  [--source-embeddings SOURCE_EMBEDDINGS]
                  [--target-embeddings TARGET_EMBEDDINGS]
                  [--bad-weight BAD_WEIGHT] [--window-size WINDOW_SIZE]
                  [--max-aligned MAX_ALIGNED]
                  [--source-embeddings-size SOURCE_EMBEDDINGS_SIZE]
                  [--target-embeddings-size TARGET_EMBEDDINGS_SIZE]
                  [--freeze-embeddings [FREEZE_EMBEDDINGS]]
                  [--embeddings-dropout EMBEDDINGS_DROPOUT]
                  [--hidden-sizes HIDDEN_SIZES [HIDDEN_SIZES ...]]
                  [--dropout DROPOUT]
                  [--init-type {uniform,normal,constant,glorot_uniform,glorot_normal}]
                  [--init-support INIT_SUPPORT]


--train-source Path to training source file
--train-target Path to training target file
 Path to train alignments between source and target.
 Path to training label file for source (WMT18 format)
 Path to training label file for target
--valid-source Path to validation source file
--valid-target Path to validation target file
 Path to valid alignments between source and target.
 Path to validation label file for source (WMT18 format)
 Path to validation label file for target
 Path to training PoS tags file for source
 Path to training PoS tags file for target

data processing options


Predict Target Tags. Leave unchanged for WMT17 format

Default: True


Predict Gap Tags.

Default: False


Predict Source Tags.

Default: False


Read target tags in WMT18 format.

Default: False


Maximum source sequence length

Default: inf


Truncate source sequence length.

Default: 1


Maximum target sequence length to keep.

Default: inf


Truncate target sequence length.

Default: 1

vocabulary options

 Size of the source vocabulary.
 Size of the target vocabulary.

Min word frequency for source vocabulary.

Default: 1


Min word frequency for target vocabulary.

Default: 1


Keep words that occur less then min-frequency but are in embeddings vocabulary.

Default: False


Add words from embeddings vocabulary to source/target vocabulary.

Default: False


Possible choices: polyglot, word2vec, fasttext, glove, text

Word embeddings format. See README for specific formatting instructions.

Default: “polyglot”


Load embeddings stored in binary.

Default: False

 Path to word embeddings file for source.
 Path to word embeddings file for target.



Relative weight for bad labels.

Default: 3.0


Sliding window size.

Default: 3


Max number of alignments between source and target.

Default: 5


Word embedding size for source.

Default: 50


Word embedding size for target.

Default: 50


Freeze embedding weights during training.

Default: False


Dropout rate for embedding layers.

Default: 0.0


List of hidden sizes.

Default: [400, 200, 100, 50]


Dropout rate for linear layers.

Default: 0.0


Possible choices: uniform, normal, constant, glorot_uniform, glorot_normal

Distribution type for parameters initialization.

Default: “uniform”


Parameters are initialized over uniform distribution with support (-param_init, param_init). Use 0 to not use initialization.

Default: 0.1