Source code for kiwi.lib.evaluate

#  OpenKiwi: Open-Source Machine Translation Quality Estimation
#  Copyright (C) 2019 Unbabel <>
#  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#  it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published
#  by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#  (at your option) any later version.
#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#  GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
#  You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
#  along with this program.  If not, see <>.

import os.path
import warnings
from pathlib import Path

import numpy as np
from more_itertools import flatten
from scipy.stats.stats import pearsonr, rankdata, spearmanr

from kiwi import constants as const
from import read_file
from kiwi.metrics.functions import (

[docs]def evaluate_from_options(options): """ Evaluates a model's predictions based on the flags received from the configuration files. Refer to configuration for a list of available configuration flags for the evaluate pipeline. Args: options (Namespace): Namespace containing all pipeline options """ if options is None: return setup() pipeline_options = options.pipeline # flag denoting format so there's no need to always check is_wmt18_format = pipeline_options.format.lower() == "wmt18" is_wmt18_pred_format = pipeline_options.pred_format.lower() == "wmt18" # handling of gold target golds = retrieve_gold_standard(pipeline_options, is_wmt18_format) # handling of prediction files pred_files = retrieve_predictions(pipeline_options, is_wmt18_pred_format) if not any(pred_files.values()): print( "Please specify at least one of these options: " "--input-dir, --pred-target, --pred-source, --pred-sents" ) return # evaluate word level for tag in const.TAGS: if tag in golds and pred_files[tag]: scores = eval_word_level(golds, pred_files, tag) print_scores_table(scores, tag) # evaluate sentence level if const.SENTENCE_SCORES in golds: sent_golds = golds[const.SENTENCE_SCORES] sent_preds = retrieve_sentence_predictions(pipeline_options, pred_files) if sent_preds: sentence_scores, sentence_ranking = eval_sentence_level( sent_golds, sent_preds ) print_sentences_scoring_table(sentence_scores) print_sentences_ranking_table(sentence_ranking) for pred_file in pred_files[const.BINARY]: sent_preds.append(pred_file) teardown()
# TODO return some evaluation info besides just printing the graph
[docs]def retrieve_gold_standard(pipeline_options, is_wmt18_format): golds = {} if pipeline_options.gold_target: gold_target = _wmt_to_labels(read_file(pipeline_options.gold_target)) if is_wmt18_format: gold_target, gold_gaps = _split_wmt18(gold_target) golds[const.GAP_TAGS] = gold_gaps golds[const.TARGET_TAGS] = gold_target # handling of gold source if pipeline_options.gold_source: gold_source = _wmt_to_labels(read_file(pipeline_options.gold_source)) golds[const.SOURCE_TAGS] = gold_source # handling of gold sentences if pipeline_options.gold_sents: gold_sentences = _read_sentence_scores(pipeline_options.gold_sents) golds[const.SENTENCE_SCORES] = gold_sentences return golds
[docs]def retrieve_predictions(pipeline_options, is_wmt18_pred_format): pred_files = {target: [] for target in const.TARGETS} if pipeline_options.pred_target: for pred_file in pipeline_options.pred_target: pred_target = read_file(pred_file) if is_wmt18_pred_format: pred_target, pred_gaps = _split_wmt18(pred_target) pred_files[const.GAP_TAGS].append((str(pred_file), pred_gaps)) pred_files[const.TARGET_TAGS].append((str(pred_file), pred_target)) if pipeline_options.pred_gaps: for pred_file in pipeline_options.pred_gaps: pred_gaps = read_file(pred_file) pred_files[const.GAP_TAGS].append((str(pred_file), pred_gaps)) if pipeline_options.pred_source: for pred_file in pipeline_options.pred_source: pred_source = read_file(pred_file) pred_files[const.SOURCE_TAGS].append((str(pred_file), pred_source)) if pipeline_options.pred_sents: for pred_file in pipeline_options.pred_sents: pred_sents = _read_sentence_scores(pred_file) pred_files[const.SENTENCE_SCORES].append( (str(pred_file), pred_sents) ) if pipeline_options.input_dir: for input_dir in pipeline_options.input_dir: input_dir = Path(input_dir) for target in const.TAGS: pred_file = input_dir.joinpath(target) if pred_file.exists() and pred_file.is_file(): pred_files[].append( (str(pred_file), read_file(pred_file)) ) for target in [const.SENTENCE_SCORES, const.BINARY]: pred_file = input_dir.joinpath(target) if pred_file.exists() and pred_file.is_file(): pred_files[].append( (str(pred_file), _read_sentence_scores(str(pred_file))) ) # Numericalize Text Labels if pipeline_options.type == "tags": for tag_name in const.TAGS: for i in range(len(pred_files[tag_name])): fname, pred_tags = pred_files[tag_name][i] pred_files[tag_name][i] = (fname, _wmt_to_labels(pred_tags)) return pred_files
[docs]def retrieve_sentence_predictions(pipeline_options, pred_files): sent_preds = pred_files[const.SENTENCE_SCORES] sents_avg = ( pipeline_options.sents_avg if pipeline_options.sents_avg else pipeline_options.type ) tag_to_sent = _probs_to_sentence_score if sents_avg == "tags": tag_to_sent = _tags_to_sentence_score for pred_file, pred in pred_files[const.TARGET_TAGS]: sent_pred = np.array(tag_to_sent(pred)) sent_preds.append((pred_file, sent_pred)) return sent_preds
def _split_wmt18(tags): """Split tags list of lists in WMT18 format into target and gap tags.""" tags_mt = [sent_tags[1::2] for sent_tags in tags] tags_gaps = [sent_tags[::2] for sent_tags in tags] return tags_mt, tags_gaps def _wmt_to_labels(corpus): """Generates numeric labels from text labels.""" dictionary = dict(zip(const.LABELS, range(len(const.LABELS)))) return [[dictionary[word] for word in sent] for sent in corpus] def _read_sentence_scores(sent_file): """Read File with numeric scores for sentences.""" return np.array([line.strip() for line in open(sent_file)], dtype="float") def _tags_to_sentence_score(tags_sentences): scores = [] bad_label = const.LABELS.index(const.BAD) for tags in tags_sentences: labels = _probs_to_labels(tags) scores.append(labels.count(bad_label) / len(tags)) return scores def _probs_to_sentence_score(probs_sentences): scores = [] for probs in probs_sentences: probs = [float(p) for p in probs] scores.append(np.mean(probs)) return scores def _probs_to_labels(probs, threshold=0.5): """Generates numeric labels from probabilities. This assumes two classes and default decision threshold 0.5 """ return [int(float(prob) > threshold) for prob in probs] def _check_lengths(gold, prediction): for i, (g, p) in enumerate(zip(gold, prediction)): if len(g) != len(p): warnings.warn( "Mismatch length for {}th sample " "{} x {}".format(i, len(g), len(p)) ) def _average(probs_per_file): # flat_probs = [list(flatten(probs)) for probs in probs_per_file] probabilities = np.array(probs_per_file, dtype="float32") return probabilities.mean(axis=0).tolist() def _extract_path_prefix(file_names): if len(file_names) < 2: return "", file_names prefix_path = os.path.commonpath( [path for path in file_names if not path.startswith("*")] ) if len(prefix_path) > 0: file_names = [ os.path.relpath(path, prefix_path) if not path.startswith("*") else path for path in file_names ] return prefix_path, file_names
[docs]def setup(): pass
[docs]def teardown(): pass
[docs]def eval_word_level(golds, pred_files, tag_name): scores_table = [] for pred_file, pred in pred_files[tag_name]: _check_lengths(golds[tag_name], pred) scores = score_word_level( list(flatten(golds[tag_name])), list(flatten(pred)) ) scores_table.append((pred_file, *scores)) # If more than one system is provided, compute ensemble score if len(pred_files[tag_name]) > 1: ensemble_pred = _average( [list(flatten(pred)) for _, pred in pred_files[tag_name]] ) ensemble_score = score_word_level( list(flatten(golds[tag_name])), ensemble_pred ) scores_table.append(("*ensemble*", *ensemble_score)) scores = np.array( scores_table, dtype=[ ("File", "object"), ("F1_{}".format(const.LABELS[0]), float), ("F1_{}".format(const.LABELS[1]), float), ("F1_mult", float), ], ) # Put the main metric in the first column scores = scores[ [ "File", "F1_mult", "F1_{}".format(const.LABELS[0]), "F1_{}".format(const.LABELS[1]), ] ] return scores
[docs]def eval_sentence_level(sent_gold, sent_preds): sentence_scores, sentence_ranking = [], [] for file_name, pred in sent_preds: scoring, ranking = score_sentence_level(sent_gold, pred) sentence_scores.append((file_name, *scoring)) sentence_ranking.append((file_name, *ranking)) ensemble_pred = _average([pred for _, pred in sent_preds]) ensemble_score, ensemble_ranking = score_sentence_level( sent_gold, ensemble_pred ) sentence_scores.append(("*ensemble*", *ensemble_score)) sentence_ranking.append(("*ensemble*", *ensemble_ranking)) sentence_scores = np.array( sentence_scores, dtype=[ ("File", "object"), ("Pearson r", float), ("MAE", float), ("RMSE", float), ], ) sentence_ranking = np.array( sentence_ranking, dtype=[("File", "object"), ("Spearman r", float), ("DeltaAvg", float)], ) return sentence_scores, sentence_ranking
[docs]def score_word_level(gold, prediction): gold_tags = gold pred_tags = _probs_to_labels(prediction) return f1_scores(pred_tags, gold_tags)
[docs]def score_sentence_level(gold, pred): pearson = pearsonr(gold, pred) mae = mean_absolute_error(gold, pred) rmse = np.sqrt(mean_squared_error(gold, pred)) spearman = spearmanr( rankdata(gold, method="ordinal"), rankdata(pred, method="ordinal") ) delta_avg = delta_average(gold, rankdata(pred, method="ordinal")) return (pearson[0], mae, rmse), (spearman[0], delta_avg)