Source code for kiwi.models.linear.linear_trainer

"""A generic implementation of a basic trainer."""

#  OpenKiwi: Open-Source Machine Translation Quality Estimation
#  Copyright (C) 2019 Unbabel <>
#  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#  it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published
#  by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#  (at your option) any later version.
#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#  GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
#  You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
#  along with this program.  If not, see <>.

import logging
from pathlib import Path

import numpy as np

from kiwi import constants as const
from kiwi.models.linear.sparse_vector import SparseVector

from .utils import nearly_eq_tol

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class LinearTrainer(object): def __init__( self, classifier, checkpointer, algorithm='svm_mira', regularization_constant=1e12, ): self.classifier = classifier self.algorithm = algorithm self.regularization_constant = regularization_constant self.checkpointer = checkpointer # Only for training with SGD. self.initial_learning_rate = 0.001 # Only for training with SGD. Change to 'inv' for Pegasos-style # updating. self.learning_rate_schedule = 'invsqrt' # Best metric value (to pick the best iteration). self.best_metric_value = -np.inf def _make_gradient_step( self, parts, features, eta, t, gold_output, predicted_output ): """Perform a gradient step updating the current model.""" for r in range(len(parts)): if predicted_output[r] == gold_output[r]: continue if self.classifier.use_binary_features: part_features = features[r].to_sparse_vector() else: part_features = features[r] self.classifier.model.make_gradient_step( part_features, eta, t, predicted_output[r] - gold_output[r] ) def _make_feature_difference( self, parts, features, gold_output, predicted_output ): """Compute the difference between predicted and gold feature vector.""" difference = SparseVector() for r in range(len(parts)): if predicted_output[r] == gold_output[r]: continue if self.classifier.use_binary_features: part_features = features[r].to_sparse_vector() else: part_features = features[r] # FIXME: shouldn't the next line be outside the else? difference.add( part_features, predicted_output[r] - gold_output[r] ) return difference
[docs] def run(self, train_iterator, valid_iterator, epochs=50): """Train with a general online algorithm.""" import time dataset = self.classifier.create_instances(train_iterator.dataset) if not isinstance(valid_iterator, list): valid_iterator = [valid_iterator] dev_datasets = [ self.classifier.create_instances(iterator.dataset) for iterator in valid_iterator ] self.classifier.model.clear() for epoch in range(epochs): tic = time.time()'Epoch %d' % (epoch + 1)) self._train_epoch(epoch, dataset, dev_datasets) toc = time.time()'Elapsed time (epoch): %d' % (toc - tic)) if self.algorithm != 'svm_sgd': self.classifier.model.finalize(len(train_iterator.dataset) * epochs) self.checkpointer.check_out()
def _train_epoch(self, epoch, dataset, dev_datasets): """Run one epoch of an online algorithm.""" algorithm = self.algorithm total_loss = 0.0 total_cost = 0.0 if algorithm in ['perceptron']: num_mistakes = 0 num_total = 0 elif algorithm in ['mira', 'svm_mira']: truncated = 0 lambda_coefficient = 1.0 / ( self.regularization_constant * float(len(dataset)) ) t = len(dataset) * epoch for instance in dataset: # Compute parts, features, and scores. parts, gold_output = self.classifier.make_parts(instance) features = self.classifier.make_features(instance, parts) scores = self.classifier.compute_scores(instance, parts, features) # Do the decoding. if algorithm in ['perceptron']: predicted_output = self.classifier.decoder.decode( instance, parts, scores ) for r in range(len(parts)): num_total += 1 if not nearly_eq_tol( gold_output[r], predicted_output[r], 1e-6 ): num_mistakes += 1 elif algorithm in ['mira']: predicted_output, cost, loss = self.classifier.decoder.decode_mira( # NOQA instance, parts, scores, gold_output, True ) elif algorithm in ['svm_mira', 'svm_sgd']: predicted_output, cost, loss = self.classifier.decoder.decode_cost_augmented( # NOQA instance, parts, scores, gold_output ) else: raise NotImplementedError # Update the total loss and cost. if algorithm in ['mira', 'svm_mira', 'svm_sgd']: if loss < 0.0: if loss < -1e-12: logger.warning('Negative loss: ' + str(loss)) loss = 0.0 if cost < 0.0: if cost < -1e-12: logger.warning('Negative cost:' + str(cost)) cost = 0.0 total_loss += loss total_cost += cost num_parts = len(parts) assert len(gold_output) == num_parts assert len(predicted_output) == num_parts # Compute the stepsize. if algorithm in ['perceptron']: eta = 1.0 elif algorithm in ['mira', 'svm_mira']: difference = self._make_feature_difference( parts, features, gold_output, predicted_output ) squared_norm = difference.squared_norm() threshold = 1e-9 if loss < threshold or squared_norm < threshold: eta = 0.0 else: eta = loss / squared_norm if eta > self.regularization_constant: eta = self.regularization_constant truncated += 1 elif algorithm in ['svm_sgd']: if self.learning_rate_schedule == 'invsqrt': eta = self.initial_learning_rate / np.sqrt(float(t + 1)) elif self.learning_rate_schedule == 'inv': eta = self.initial_learning_rate / (float(t + 1)) else: raise NotImplementedError # Scale the weight vector. decay = 1.0 - eta * lambda_coefficient assert decay >= -1e-12 self.classifier.model.weights.scale(decay) # Make gradient step. self._make_gradient_step( parts, features, eta, t, gold_output, predicted_output ) # Increment the round. t += 1 # Evaluate on development data. weights = self.classifier.model.weights.copy() averaged_weights = self.classifier.model.averaged_weights.copy() if algorithm != 'svm_sgd': self.classifier.model.finalize(len(dataset) * (1 + epoch)) dev_scores = [] for dev_dataset in dev_datasets: predictions = self.classifier.test(dev_dataset) dev_score = self.classifier.evaluate( dev_dataset, predictions, print_scores=True ) dev_scores.append(dev_score) if algorithm in ['perceptron']: '\t'.join( [ 'Epoch: %d' % (epoch + 1), 'Mistakes: %d/%d (%f)' % ( num_mistakes, num_total, float(num_mistakes) / float(num_total), ), 'Dev scores: %s' % ' '.join( ["%.5g" % (100 * score) for score in dev_scores] ), ] ) ) else: sq_norm = self.classifier.model.weights.squared_norm() regularization_value = ( 0.5 * lambda_coefficient * float(len(dataset)) * weights.squared_norm() ) '\t'.join( [ 'Epoch: %d' % (epoch + 1), 'Cost: %f' % total_cost, 'Loss: %f' % total_loss, 'Reg: %f' % regularization_value, 'Loss+Reg: %f' % (total_loss + regularization_value), 'Norm: %f' % sq_norm, 'Dev scores: %s' % ' '.join( ["%.5g" % (100 * score) for score in dev_scores] ), ] ) ) # If this is the best model so far, save it as the default model. # Assume the metric to optimize is on the first dev set, the highest # the best. # TODO: replace by checkpointer functionality metric_value = dev_scores[0] if metric_value > self.best_metric_value: self.best_metric_value = metric_value self.checkpointer.check_in( self, self.best_metric_value, epoch=epoch ) self.classifier.model.weights = weights self.classifier.model.averaged_weights = averaged_weights
[docs] def save(self, output_directory): output_directory = Path(output_directory) output_directory.mkdir(exist_ok=True)'Saving training state to {}'.format(output_directory)) model_path = output_directory / const.MODEL_FILE str(model_path), feature_indices=self.classifier.feature_indices ) return None