Source code for kiwi.models.linear.linear_word_qe_sentence

#  OpenKiwi: Open-Source Machine Translation Quality Estimation
#  Copyright (C) 2019 Unbabel <>
#  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#  it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published
#  by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#  (at your option) any later version.
#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#  GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
#  You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
#  along with this program.  If not, see <>.

import string

[docs]class LinearWordQETokenFeatures(object): def __init__( self, stacked_features=None, source_token_count=-1, target_token_count=-1, source_target_token_count_ratio=0.0, token='', left_context='', right_context='', first_aligned_token='', left_alignment='', right_alignment='', is_stopword=False, is_punctuation=False, is_proper_noun=False, is_digit=False, highest_order_ngram_left=-1, highest_order_ngram_right=-1, backoff_behavior_left=0.0, backoff_behavior_middle=0.0, backoff_behavior_right=0.0, source_highest_order_ngram_left=-1, source_highest_order_ngram_right=-1, pseudo_reference=False, target_pos='', target_morph='', target_head=-1, target_deprel='', aligned_source_pos_list='', polysemy_count_source=0, polysemy_count_target=0, ): self.stacked_features = ( stacked_features if stacked_features is not None else [] ) self.source_token_count = source_token_count # Not used. self.target_token_count = target_token_count # Not used. # Not used. self.source_target_token_count_ratio = source_target_token_count_ratio self.token = token self.left_context = left_context self.right_context = right_context self.first_aligned_token = first_aligned_token self.left_alignment = left_alignment self.right_alignment = right_alignment self.is_stopword = is_stopword # Not used (at least for En-De). self.is_punctuation = is_punctuation self.is_proper_noun = is_proper_noun # Not used (at least for En-De). self.is_digit = is_digit self.highest_order_ngram_left = highest_order_ngram_left self.highest_order_ngram_right = highest_order_ngram_right self.backoff_behavior_left = backoff_behavior_left # Not used. self.backoff_behavior_middle = backoff_behavior_middle # Not used. self.backoff_behavior_right = backoff_behavior_right # Not used. self.source_highest_order_ngram_left = source_highest_order_ngram_left self.source_highest_order_ngram_right = source_highest_order_ngram_right self.pseudo_reference = pseudo_reference # Not used in the WMT16+ data. self.target_pos = target_pos self.target_morph = target_morph # Not used. self.target_head = target_head self.target_deprel = target_deprel self.aligned_source_pos_list = aligned_source_pos_list self.polysemy_count_source = polysemy_count_source # Not used. self.polysemy_count_target = polysemy_count_target # Not used.
[docs]class LinearWordQESentence: """Represents a sentence (word features and their labels)."""
[docs] @staticmethod def create_stop_symbol(): """Generates dummy features for a stop symbol.""" return LinearWordQETokenFeatures( token='__STOP__', left_context='__STOP__', right_context='__STOP__', first_aligned_token='__STOP__', left_alignment='__STOP__', right_alignment='__STOP__', target_pos='__STOP__', aligned_source_pos_list='__STOP__', target_morph='__STOP__', target_deprel='__STOP__', )
def __init__(self): self.sentence_word_features = [] self.sentence_word_labels = []
[docs] def num_words(self): """Returns the number of words of the sentence.""" return len(self.sentence_word_features)
[docs] def create_from_sentence_pair( self, source_words, target_words, alignments, source_pos_tags=None, target_pos_tags=None, target_parse_heads=None, target_parse_relations=None, target_ngram_left=None, target_ngram_right=None, target_stacked_features=None, labels=None, ): """Creates an instance from source/target token and alignment information.""" self.sentence_word_features = [] aligned_source_words = [[] for _ in target_words] for source, target in alignments: aligned_source_words[target].append(source) aligned_source_words = [ sorted(aligned) for aligned in aligned_source_words ] if source_pos_tags is None: source_pos_tags = ['' for _ in source_words] if target_pos_tags is None: target_pos_tags = ['' for _ in target_words] if target_parse_heads is None: target_parse_heads = [-1 for _ in target_words] if target_parse_relations is None: target_parse_relations = ['' for _ in target_words] if target_ngram_left is None: target_ngram_left = [-1 for _ in target_words] if target_ngram_right is None: target_ngram_right = [-1 for _ in target_words] if target_stacked_features is None: target_stacked_features = ['' for _ in target_words] if labels is not None: if len(labels) != len(target_words): # WMT18 format with labels for the gaps. assert len(labels) == 2 * len(target_words) + 1 labels = labels[1::2] for i in range(len(target_words)): word = target_words[i] tag = target_pos_tags[i] parse_head = int(target_parse_heads[i]) # TODO: don't cast here. parse_relation = target_parse_relations[i] ngram_left = int(target_ngram_left[i]) # TODO: don't cast here. ngram_right = int(target_ngram_right[i]) # TODO: don't cast here. if not target_stacked_features[i]: stacked_features = None else: stacked_features = [ float(p) for p in target_stacked_features[i].split('|') ] if i == 0: previous_word = '<s>' # previous_tag = '<s>' else: previous_word = target_words[i - 1] # previous_tag = target_pos_tags[i-1] if i == len(target_words) - 1: next_word = '</s>' # next_tag = '</s>' else: next_word = target_words[i + 1] # next_tag = target_pos_tags[i+1] if len(aligned_source_words[i]) == 0: source_word = '__unaligned__' previous_source_word = '__unaligned__' next_source_word = '__unaligned__' source_tag = '__unaligned__' # previous_source_tag = '__unaligned__' # next_source_tag = '__unaligned__' else: # Concatenate all source words in order of appearance. # The previous word is the one before the first aligned # source word; the next word is the one after the last # aligned word. source_word = '|'.join( [source_words[j] for j in aligned_source_words[i]] ) source_tag = '|'.join( [source_pos_tags[j] for j in aligned_source_words[i]] ) j = aligned_source_words[i][0] if j == 0: previous_source_word = "<s>" # previous_source_tag = "<s>" else: previous_source_word = source_words[j - 1] # previous_source_tag = source_pos_tags[j-1] if j == len(source_words) - 1: next_source_word = "</s>" # next_source_tag = "</s>" else: next_source_word = source_words[j + 1] # next_source_tag = source_pos_tags[j+1] word_features = LinearWordQETokenFeatures( stacked_features=stacked_features, source_token_count=len(source_words), target_token_count=len(target_words), source_target_token_count_ratio=float(len(source_words)) / len(target_words), token=word, is_punctuation=all([c in string.punctuation for c in word]), is_digit=word.isdigit(), target_pos=tag, left_context=previous_word, right_context=next_word, first_aligned_token=source_word, aligned_source_pos_list=source_tag, left_alignment=previous_source_word, right_alignment=next_source_word, target_head=parse_head, target_deprel=parse_relation, highest_order_ngram_left=ngram_left, highest_order_ngram_right=ngram_right, ) self.sentence_word_features.append(word_features) self.sentence_word_labels.append( labels[i] if labels is not None else '' )