Source code for kiwi.models.quetch

#  OpenKiwi: Open-Source Machine Translation Quality Estimation
#  Copyright (C) 2019 Unbabel <>
#  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#  it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published
#  by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#  (at your option) any later version.
#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#  GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
#  You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
#  along with this program.  If not, see <>.

from collections import OrderedDict

import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F

from kiwi import constants as const
from import build_fieldset
from kiwi.metrics import CorrectMetric, F1Metric, LogMetric
from kiwi.models.model import Model, ModelConfig
from kiwi.models.utils import align_tensor, convolve_tensor, make_loss_weights

[docs]class QUETCHConfig(ModelConfig): def __init__( self, vocabs, predict_target=True, predict_gaps=False, predict_source=False, source_embeddings_size=50, target_embeddings_size=50, hidden_sizes=None, bad_weight=3.0, window_size=10, max_aligned=5, dropout=0.4, embeddings_dropout=0.4, freeze_embeddings=False, ): super().__init__(vocabs) if hidden_sizes is None: hidden_sizes = [100] source_vectors = vocabs[const.SOURCE].vectors target_vectors = vocabs[const.TARGET].vectors if source_vectors is not None: source_embeddings_size = source_vectors.size(1) if target_vectors is not None: target_embeddings_size = target_vectors.size(1) self.source_embeddings_size = source_embeddings_size self.target_embeddings_size = target_embeddings_size self.bad_weight = bad_weight self.dropout = dropout self.embeddings_dropout = embeddings_dropout self.freeze_embeddings = freeze_embeddings # self.predict_side = predict_side # if predicting tags or source, default predict_target=true # doesn't make sense if predict_gaps or predict_source: predict_target = predict_target self.predict_target = predict_target self.predict_gaps = predict_gaps self.predict_source = predict_source self.window_size = window_size self.max_aligned = max_aligned self.hidden_sizes = hidden_sizes if const.SOURCE_TAGS in vocabs: self.tags_pad_id = vocabs[const.SOURCE_TAGS].stoi[const.PAD] elif const.GAP_TAGS in vocabs: self.tags_pad_id = vocabs[const.GAP_TAGS].stoi[const.PAD] else: self.tags_pad_id = vocabs[const.TARGET_TAGS].stoi[const.PAD] # FIXME: this might not correspond to reality (in vocabs)! self.nb_classes = len(const.LABELS) self.tag_bad_index = const.BAD_ID self.pad_token = const.PAD self.unaligned_idx = const.UNALIGNED_ID self.source_padding_idx = const.PAD_ID self.target_padding_idx = const.PAD_ID
[docs]@Model.register_subclass class QUETCH(Model): """QUality Estimation from scraTCH (QUETCH) model. TODO: add references. """ title = "QUETCH" def __init__(self, vocabs, **kwargs): super().__init__(vocabs=vocabs, ConfigCls=QUETCHConfig, **kwargs) self.source_emb = None self.target_emb = None self.embeddings_dropout = None self.linear = None self.dropout = None self.linear_out = None source_vectors = vocabs[const.SOURCE].vectors target_vectors = vocabs[const.TARGET].vectors, target_vectors)
[docs] @staticmethod def fieldset(*args, **kwargs): return build_fieldset(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] @staticmethod def from_options(vocabs, opts): model = QUETCH( vocabs=vocabs, predict_target=opts.predict_target, predict_gaps=opts.predict_gaps, predict_source=opts.predict_source, source_embeddings_size=opts.source_embeddings_size, target_embeddings_size=opts.target_embeddings_size, hidden_sizes=opts.hidden_sizes, bad_weight=opts.bad_weight, window_size=opts.window_size, max_aligned=opts.max_aligned, dropout=opts.dropout, embeddings_dropout=opts.embeddings_dropout, freeze_embeddings=opts.freeze_embeddings, ) return model
[docs] def loss(self, model_out, target): if self.config.predict_source: output_name = const.SOURCE_TAGS elif self.config.predict_gaps: output_name = const.GAP_TAGS else: output_name = const.TARGET_TAGS # (bs*ts, nb_classes) probs = model_out[output_name] # (bs*ts, ) y = getattr(target, output_name) predicted = probs.view(-1, self.config.nb_classes) y = y.view(-1) loss = self._loss(predicted, y) return {const.LOSS: loss}
def _build_embeddings(self, source_vectors=None, target_vectors=None): # Embeddings layers: if source_vectors is not None: # source_embeddings_size = self.source_embeddings.size(1) self.source_emb = nn.Embedding( num_embeddings=source_vectors.size(0), embedding_dim=source_vectors.size(1), padding_idx=self.config.source_padding_idx, _weight=source_vectors, ) else: self.source_emb = nn.Embedding( num_embeddings=self.config.source_vocab_size, embedding_dim=self.config.source_embeddings_size, padding_idx=self.config.source_padding_idx, ) if target_vectors is not None: self.target_emb = nn.Embedding( num_embeddings=target_vectors.size(0), embedding_dim=target_vectors.size(1), padding_idx=self.config.target_padding_idx, _weight=target_vectors, ) else: self.target_emb = nn.Embedding( num_embeddings=self.config.target_vocab_size, embedding_dim=self.config.target_embeddings_size, padding_idx=self.config.target_padding_idx, ) if self.config.freeze_embeddings: self.source_emb.weight.requires_grad = False self.source_emb.bias.requires_grad = False self.target_emb.weight.requires_grad = False self.target_emb.bias.requires_grad = False self.embeddings_dropout = nn.Dropout(self.config.embeddings_dropout)
[docs] def build(self, source_vectors=None, target_vectors=None): hidden_size = self.config.hidden_sizes[0] nb_classes = self.config.nb_classes dropout = self.config.dropout weight = make_loss_weights( nb_classes, const.BAD_ID, self.config.bad_weight ) self._loss = nn.CrossEntropyLoss( weight=weight, ignore_index=const.PAD_TAGS_ID ) # Embeddings layers: self._build_embeddings(source_vectors, target_vectors) feature_set_size = ( self.config.source_embeddings_size + self.config.target_embeddings_size ) * self.config.window_size self.linear = nn.Linear(feature_set_size, hidden_size) self.linear_out = nn.Linear(hidden_size, nb_classes) self.dropout = nn.Dropout(dropout) torch.nn.init.xavier_uniform_(self.linear.weight) torch.nn.init.xavier_uniform_(self.linear_out.weight) torch.nn.init.constant_(self.linear.bias, 0.0) torch.nn.init.constant_(self.linear_out.bias, 0.0) self.is_built = True
[docs] def make_input(self, batch, side): target_input, target_lengths = getattr(batch, const.TARGET) source_input, source_lengths = getattr(batch, const.SOURCE) alignments = batch.alignments if self.config.predict_gaps and not self.config.predict_target: target_input = F.pad( target_input, pad=(0, 1), value=self.vocabs[const.TARGET].stoi[const.UNALIGNED], ) source_input = F.pad( source_input, pad=(0, 1), value=self.vocabs[const.SOURCE].stoi[const.UNALIGNED], ) target_input = convolve_tensor( target_input, self.config.window_size, self.config.target_padding_idx, ) source_input = convolve_tensor( source_input, self.config.window_size, self.config.source_padding_idx, ) if side == const.SOURCE_TAGS: alignments = [ [alignment[::-1] for alignment in example_alignment] for example_alignment in alignments ] target_input, nb_alignments = align_tensor( target_input, alignments, self.config.max_aligned, self.config.unaligned_idx, self.config.target_padding_idx, pad_size=source_input.shape[1], ) else: source_input, nb_alignments = align_tensor( source_input, alignments, self.config.max_aligned, self.config.unaligned_idx, self.config.source_padding_idx, pad_size=target_input.shape[1], ) return target_input, source_input, nb_alignments
[docs] def forward(self, batch): assert self.is_built if self.config.predict_source: align_side = const.SOURCE_TAGS else: align_side = const.TARGET_TAGS target_input, source_input, nb_alignments = self.make_input( batch, align_side ) # # Source Branch # # (bs, ts, aligned, window) -> (bs, ts, aligned, window, emb) h_source = self.source_emb(source_input) if len(h_source.shape) == 5: # (bs, ts, aligned, window, emb) -> (bs, ts, window, emb) h_source = h_source.sum(2, keepdim=False) / nb_alignments.unsqueeze( -1 ).unsqueeze(-1) # (bs, ts, window, emb) -> (bs, ts, window * emb) h_source = h_source.view(source_input.size(0), source_input.size(1), -1) # # Target Branch # # (bs, ts * window) -> (bs, ts * window, emb) h_target = self.target_emb(target_input) if len(h_target.shape) == 5: # (bs, ts, aligned, window, emb) -> (bs, ts, window, emb) h_target = h_target.sum(2, keepdim=False) / nb_alignments.unsqueeze( -1 ).unsqueeze(-1) # (bs, ts * window, emb) -> (bs, ts, window * emb) h_target = h_target.view(target_input.size(0), target_input.size(1), -1) # # POS tags branches # feature_set = (h_source, h_target) # # Merge Branches # # (bs, ts, window * emb) -> (bs, ts, 2 * window * emb) h =, dim=-1) h = self.embeddings_dropout(h) # (bs, ts, 2 * window * emb) -> (bs, ts, hs) h = torch.tanh(self.linear(h)) h = self.dropout(h) # (bs, ts, hs) -> (bs, ts, 2) h = self.linear_out(h) outputs = OrderedDict() if self.config.predict_target: outputs[const.TARGET_TAGS] = h if self.config.predict_gaps: outputs[const.GAP_TAGS] = h if self.config.predict_source: outputs[const.SOURCE_TAGS] = h return outputs
@staticmethod def _unmask(tensor, mask): lengths = return [x[: lengths[i]] for i, x in enumerate(tensor)]
[docs] def metrics(self): metrics = [] if self.config.predict_target: metrics.append( F1Metric( prefix=const.TARGET_TAGS, target_name=const.TARGET_TAGS, PAD=const.PAD_TAGS_ID, labels=const.LABELS, ) ) metrics.append( CorrectMetric( prefix=const.TARGET_TAGS, target_name=const.TARGET_TAGS, PAD=const.PAD_TAGS_ID, ) ) if self.config.predict_source: metrics.append( F1Metric( prefix=const.SOURCE_TAGS, target_name=const.SOURCE_TAGS, PAD=const.PAD_TAGS_ID, labels=const.LABELS, ) ) metrics.append( CorrectMetric( prefix=const.SOURCE_TAGS, target_name=const.SOURCE_TAGS, PAD=const.PAD_TAGS_ID, ) ) if self.config.predict_gaps: metrics.append( F1Metric( prefix=const.GAP_TAGS, target_name=const.GAP_TAGS, PAD=const.PAD_TAGS_ID, labels=const.LABELS, ) ) metrics.append( CorrectMetric( prefix=const.GAP_TAGS, target_name=const.GAP_TAGS, PAD=const.PAD_TAGS_ID, ) ) metrics.append(LogMetric(targets=[(const.LOSS, const.LOSS)])) return metrics
[docs] def metrics_ordering(self): return max