Source code for kiwi.trainers.callbacks

#  OpenKiwi: Open-Source Machine Translation Quality Estimation
#  Copyright (C) 2019 Unbabel <>
#  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#  it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published
#  by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#  (at your option) any later version.
#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#  GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
#  You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
#  along with this program.  If not, see <>.

import heapq
import logging
import shutil
import threading
from pathlib import Path

import torch

from kiwi import constants as const
from import save_predicted_probabilities

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class EarlyStopException(StopIteration): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs]class Checkpoint: """Class for determining whether to evaluate / save the model. """ def __init__( self, output_dir, checkpoint_save=False, checkpoint_keep_only_best=0, checkpoint_early_stop_patience=0, checkpoint_validation_steps=0, ): """ Args: output_dir (Path): Required if checkpoint_save == True. checkpoint_save (bool): Save a training snapshot when validation is run. checkpoint_keep_only_best: Keep only this number of saved snapshots; 0 will keep all. checkpoint_early_stop_patience: Stop training if evaluation metrics do not improve after /X/ validations; 0 disables this. checkpoint_validation_steps: Perform validation every /X/ training batches. """ self.output_directory = Path(output_dir) self.validation_steps = checkpoint_validation_steps self.early_stop_patience = checkpoint_early_stop_patience = checkpoint_save self.keep_only_best = checkpoint_keep_only_best if self.keep_only_best <= 0: self.keep_only_best = float('inf') # if and not self.output_directory: # logger.warning('Asked to save training snapshots, ' # 'but no output directory was specified.') # = False self.main_metric = None # This should be kept as a heap self.best_stats_summary = [] self.stats_summary_history = [] self._last_saved = 0 self._validation_epoch = 0 self._best_checkpoint_path = None
[docs] def must_eval(self, epoch=None, step=None): if epoch is not None: return True if step is not None: return self.validation_steps and step % self.validation_steps == 0 return False
[docs] def must_save_best(self, stats): if self._validation_epoch <= self.keep_only_best: return True elif stats > self.worst_stats(): return True
[docs] def early_stopping(self): no_improvement = self._validation_epoch - self._last_saved return 0 < self.early_stop_patience <= no_improvement
def __call__(self, trainer, valid_iterator, epoch=None, step=None): if self.must_eval(epoch=epoch, step=step): eval_stats_summary = trainer.eval_epoch(valid_iterator) eval_stats_summary.log() if trainer.scheduler: trainer.scheduler.step(eval_stats_summary.main_metric_value()) saved_path = self.check_in( trainer, eval_stats_summary, epoch=epoch, step=step ) if saved_path: predictions = trainer.predict(valid_iterator) if predictions is not None: save_predicted_probabilities(saved_path, predictions) elif self.early_stopping(): raise EarlyStopException( 'Early stopping training after {} validations ' 'without improvements on the validation set'.format( self.early_stop_patience ) )
[docs] def check_in(self, trainer, stats, epoch=None, step=None): """Saves stat summary and handles checkpoint saving.""" self._validation_epoch += 1 self.stats_summary_history.append(stats) if if self.must_save_best(stats): self._last_saved = self._validation_epoch output_path = self.make_output_path(epoch=epoch, step=step) path_to_remove = self.push_to_heap(stats, output_path) event = self._best_checkpoint_path = output_path if path_to_remove: self.remove_snapshot(path_to_remove, event) self.save_latest(trainer, saved_best=True) return output_path output_path = self.save_latest(trainer) return output_path return None
[docs] def make_output_path(self, epoch=None, step=None): if epoch is not None: sub_dir = 'epoch_{}'.format(epoch) elif step is not None: sub_dir = 'step_{}'.format(step) else: sub_dir = 'epoch_unknown' return self.output_directory / sub_dir
[docs] def push_to_heap(self, stats, output_path): """Push stats and output path to the heap.""" path_to_remove = None # The second element (`-self._validation_epoch`) serves as a timestamp # to ensure that in case of a tie, the earliest model is saved. heap_element = (stats, -self._validation_epoch, output_path) if self._validation_epoch <= self.keep_only_best: heapq.heappush(self.best_stats_summary, heap_element) else: worst_stat = heapq.heapreplace( self.best_stats_summary, heap_element ) path_to_remove = str(worst_stat[2]) # Worst output path return path_to_remove
[docs] def remove_snapshot(self, path_to_remove, event=None): """Remove snapshot locally and in MLFlow.""" def _remove_snapshot(path, event, message): if event: event.wait() # ignores directory not empty error shutil.rmtree(str(path), ignore_errors=True) if event: event.clear() removal_message = 'Removing previous snapshot: {}'.format( path_to_remove ) t = threading.Thread( target=_remove_snapshot, args=(path_to_remove, event, removal_message), daemon=True, ) try: t.start() return t except FileNotFoundError as e: logger.exception(e)
[docs] def best_stats_and_path(self): if self.best_stats_summary: stat, order, path = max(self.best_stats_summary) return stat, path return None, None
[docs] def best_iteration_path(self): _, path = self.best_stats_and_path() return path
[docs] def best_stats(self): stats, _ = self.best_stats_and_path() return stats
[docs] def worst_stats(self): if self.best_stats_summary: return self.best_stats_summary[0][0] else: return None
[docs] def best_model_path(self): path = self.output_directory / const.BEST_MODEL_FILE if path.exists(): return path return self.best_iteration_path()
[docs] def last_model_path(self): """Generates the path where the latest model should be saved. """ path = self.output_directory / const.LAST_CHECKPOINT_FOLDER temp_path = self.output_directory / const.TEMP_LAST_CHECKPOINT_FOLDER return path, temp_path
[docs] def save_latest(self, trainer, saved_best=False): """Saves latest checkpoint of the current model. In case a model was just saved due to being the best validation, saves a pointer instead of the full model. Returns path of saved model. """ output_path, temp_path = self.last_model_path() # if best was saved, there's no need to save the entire model twice if saved_best: temp_path.mkdir(exist_ok=True)'Saving training state to {}'.format(temp_path)) for file in Path(self._best_checkpoint_path).glob('*'): file_path = temp_path /, str(file_path)) else: if output_path.exists(): t = self.remove_snapshot(output_path) t.join()'Moving {} to {}'.format(temp_path, output_path)) shutil.move(str(temp_path), str(output_path)) return output_path
[docs] def check_out(self): best_path = self.best_iteration_path() if best_path: self.copy_best_model(best_path, self.output_directory)
[docs] @staticmethod def copy_best_model(model_dir, output_dir): model_path = model_dir / const.MODEL_FILE best_model_path = output_dir / const.BEST_MODEL_FILE'Copying best model to {}'.format(best_model_path)) shutil.copy(str(model_path), str(best_model_path)) return best_model_path