Source code for kiwi.trainers.trainer

#  OpenKiwi: Open-Source Machine Translation Quality Estimation
#  Copyright (C) 2019 Unbabel <>
#  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#  it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published
#  by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#  (at your option) any later version.
#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#  GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
#  You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
#  along with this program.  If not, see <>.

import logging
from collections import defaultdict
from pathlib import Path

import torch
from tqdm import tqdm

import kiwi
from kiwi import constants as const
from kiwi.loggers import tracking_logger
from kiwi.metrics.stats import Stats
from kiwi.models.model import Model
from kiwi.models.utils import load_torch_file
from kiwi.trainers.callbacks import EarlyStopException
from kiwi.trainers.utils import optimizer_class

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class Trainer: def __init__( self, model, optimizer, checkpointer, log_interval=100, scheduler=None ): """ Args: model: A kiwi.Model to train optimizer: An optimizer checkpointer: A Checkpointer object log_interval: Log train stats every /n/ batches. Default 100 scheduler: A learning rate scheduler """ self.model = model self.stats = Stats( metrics=model.metrics(), main_metric_ordering=model.metrics_ordering(), log_interval=log_interval, ) self.optimizer = optimizer self.checkpointer = checkpointer self.scheduler = scheduler self._step = 0 self._epoch = 0 @property def stats_summary_history(self): return self.checkpointer.stats_summary_history
[docs] def run(self, train_iterator, valid_iterator, epochs=50): """ Args: train_iterator: epochs: Number of epochs for training. """ # log(self.eval_epoch(valid_dataset)) for epoch in range(self._epoch + 1, epochs + 1):'Epoch {} of {}'.format(epoch, epochs)) self.train_epoch(train_iterator, valid_iterator) self.stats.log() try: self.checkpointer(self, valid_iterator, epoch=epoch) except EarlyStopException as e: break self.checkpointer.check_out()
[docs] def train_epoch(self, train_iterator, valid_iterator): self.model.train() for batch in tqdm( train_iterator, total=len(train_iterator), desc='Batches', unit=' batches', ncols=80, ): self._step += 1 outputs = self.train_step(batch) self.stats.update(batch=batch, **outputs) self.stats.log(step=self._step) try: self.checkpointer(self, valid_iterator, step=self._step) except EarlyStopException as e: break self._epoch += 1
[docs] def train_steps(self, train_iterator, valid_iterator, max_steps): train_iterator.repeat = True self.model.train() step = 0 for step, batch in tqdm( enumerate(train_iterator, 1), total=max_steps, desc='Steps', unit=' batches', ncols=80, ): self._step += 1 outputs = self.train_step(batch) self.stats.update(batch=batch, **outputs) self.stats.log(step=self._step) try: self.checkpointer(self, valid_iterator, step=self._step) except EarlyStopException as e: break if step > max_steps: break eval_stats_summary = self.eval_epoch(valid_iterator) eval_stats_summary.log() sub_path = Path('step_{}'.format(self._step)) / sub_path) train_iterator.repeat = False
[docs] def train_step(self, batch): self.model.zero_grad() model_out = self.model(batch) loss_dict = self.model.loss(model_out, batch) loss_dict[const.LOSS].backward() self.optimizer.step() return dict(loss=loss_dict, model_out=model_out)
[docs] def eval_epoch(self, valid_iterator, prefix='EVAL'): self.model.eval() self.stats.reset() with torch.no_grad(): for batch in valid_iterator: outputs = self.eval_step(batch) self.stats.update(batch=batch, **outputs) stats_summary = self.stats.wrap_up(prefix=prefix) self.model.train() return stats_summary
[docs] def eval_step(self, batch): model_out = self.model(batch) loss_dict = self.model.loss(model_out, batch) return dict(loss=loss_dict, model_out=model_out)
[docs] def predict(self, valid_iterator): self.model.eval() with torch.no_grad(): predictions = defaultdict(list) for batch in valid_iterator: model_pred = self.model.predict(batch) for key, values in model_pred.items(): predictions[key] += values self.model.train() return predictions
[docs] def make_sub_directory(self, root_directory, current_epoch, prefix='epoch'): root_path = Path(root_directory) epoch_path = Path('{}_{}'.format(prefix, current_epoch)) output_path = root_path / epoch_path output_path.mkdir(exist_ok=True) return output_path
[docs] def save(self, output_directory): output_directory = Path(output_directory) output_directory.mkdir(exist_ok=True)'Saving training state to {}'.format(output_directory)) model_path = output_directory / const.MODEL_FILE optimizer_path = output_directory / const.OPTIMIZER scheduler_dict = None if self.scheduler: scheduler_dict = { 'name': type(self.scheduler).__name__.lower(), 'state_dict': self.scheduler.state_dict(), } optimizer_dict = { 'name': type(self.optimizer).__name__.lower(), 'state_dict': self.optimizer.state_dict(), 'scheduler_dict': scheduler_dict, }, str(optimizer_path)) state = { '__version__': kiwi.__version__, '_epoch': self._epoch, '_step': self._step, 'checkpointer': self.checkpointer, } state_path = output_directory / const.TRAINER, str(state_path)) # Send to MLflow event = None if tracking_logger.should_log_artifacts():'Logging artifacts to {}'.format(output_directory)) event = tracking_logger.log_artifacts( str(output_directory), artifact_path=str( ) return event
[docs] @classmethod def from_directory(cls, directory, device_id=None):'Loading training state from {}'.format(directory)) root_path = Path(directory) model_path = root_path / const.MODEL_FILE model = Model.create_from_file(model_path) if device_id is not None: optimizer_path = root_path / const.OPTIMIZER optimizer_dict = load_torch_file(str(optimizer_path)) optimizer = optimizer_class(optimizer_dict['name'])( model.parameters(), lr=0.0 ) optimizer.load_state_dict(optimizer_dict['state_dict']) trainer = cls(model, optimizer, checkpointer=None) trainer_path = root_path / const.TRAINER state = load_torch_file(str(trainer_path)) trainer.__dict__.update(state) return trainer
[docs] @classmethod def resume(cls, local_path=None, prefix='latest_', device_id=None): if local_path: artifacts_uri = Path(local_path) else: artifacts_uri = Path(tracking_logger.get_artifact_uri()) if Path(local_path) / Path(prefix + 'epoch') in artifacts_uri.glob( '{}*'.format(prefix) ): last_save = 'epoch' else: 'Latest epoch not found. Looking for other checkpoints' ) prefix = 'epoch_' saved_checkpoints = [ int(str(, '')) for path in artifacts_uri.glob('{}*'.format(prefix)) if path.is_dir() ] if not saved_checkpoints: raise FileNotFoundError( "Couldn't load trainer from: {}".format( artifacts_uri / (prefix + '*') ) ) last_save = max(saved_checkpoints) snapshot_dir = artifacts_uri / '{}{}'.format(prefix, last_save)'Resuming training from: {}'.format(snapshot_dir)) return cls.from_directory(snapshot_dir, device_id=device_id)